Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Lorie Lewis Ham is here today!

 I'm so delighted to welcome Lorie Lewis Ham to my blog today, and so excited about her new book. Lorie, in her role as editor of Kings River Life Magazine and the new Mystery Rat's Maze Podcast had been a valueable friend to many writers over the last several years, and one of them is me. Here's my chance to pay her back. Here's her essay on her new novel--be sure to check this out!

GIVEAWAY! LORIE WILL GIVE AN E-BOOK AWAY TO ONE PERSON WHO COMMENTS, LEAVING AN EMAIL ADDRESS (which can be disguised, kayegeorge at gmail dot com, or somesuch.). She will pick the winner before next Wednesday. Good luck!

“One of Us” is available on Amazon, on the Nook at Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.

 Book Settings-Why I Set My Book in the Tower District of Fresno, CA

By Lorie Lewis Ham


My first mystery came out in the early 2000s and featured a gospel singing sleuth. I set that series in a fictional version of my hometown of Reedley, California, largely because it was what I knew. The last book in that series came out 11 years ago.


As I started working on a new book I knew that I wanted to do something different so I decided to set my new book, which is the first in a new series, in a place that is very dear to me, the Tower District in Fresno, California.


The historic Tower District is Fresno's dining, arts, and entertainment hub. People might be surprised to know this, but a great deal of community and regional theatre happens in the San Joaquin Valley and much of it happens in the Tower. My main character, Roxi Carlucci, actually helps out with a theatre production in this book and that is where the murder takes place. The Tower is also the home of the Rogue Festival, a fringe festival where performers from all over the world come to perform (this festival will be featured in a future book). You will also find unique shops, restaurants, clubs, coffee shops, tea shops, and much more.


Here is a bit of description of the area from my new book “One of Us”


“As we walked to the heart of the Tower and its many shops and restaurants, I felt like I'd gone back in time. I had read in an article that most of the houses had been built between the 1920s and the 1950s. There wasn't a new house in sight—each home had the kind of character only houses built before the 1960s seemed to have. The streets were lined with various kinds of tall trees. Even the sidewalks had a bit of character with its cracks and unevenness here and there.”


I love the Tower District, it is my favorite place in the area to hang out, so I hope you will all take a journey with me to the Tower District in my new mystery novel, and I hope some of you will come check it out in person as well. Keep in mind that my version is somewhat fictionalized—adding businesses that were needed for the sake of the story and changing some of the names—but it is still just as wonderful!


One of the locations mentioned in “One of Us” (it is also on the cover of the book), is the Tower Theatre. Its very existence and the Tower District way of life is currently at risk. If you would like to know more you can find information on the Facebook page for “Save the Tower Theatre.”


“One of Us” is available on Amazon, on the Nook at Barnes and Noble, and Kobo.


“One of Us”  A Tower District Mystery by Lorie Lewis Ham-

A woman starting over. A gossip website. A handsome playwright with a dark side. A director with an explosive temper. And a murder without a motive. It’s a mystery set in the historic Tower District—Fresno's dining, arts, and entertainment hub.


Bio- Lorie Lewis Ham lives in Reedley, California and has been writing ever since she was a child. Her first song and poem were published when she was 13, and she has gone on to publish many articles, short stories, and poems throughout the years, as well as write for a local newspaper, and publish 6 mystery novels. For the past 11 years, Lorie has been the editor-in-chief and publisher of Kings River Life Magazine, and she produces Mysteryrat’s Maze Podcast where you can now hear an excerpt of her new book One of Us. You can learn more about Lorie and the new book on her website and find her on Twitter @mysteryrat and Facebook. Another way to keep up with Lorie’s writing is to subscribe to her newsletter, which you can do on her website. 


Lorie has been married to Larry for 30 years and they have 2 grown children—Jayce and Joseph Ham. She currently has 5 cats (Merlin, Sam, Dean, Sidney, and Willow), 4 dogs (Lestat, Huey, Xander, and Phoebe), and a pet dwarf rabbit (Sherlock). For many years, she worked in pet rat rescue, and has had many pet rats of her own over the years.


  1. I'll give another welcome to Lorie here, to make sure I see comments, since Blogger won't send them to me anymore unless I do this! Glad you're here, Lorie!

  2. Lorie has been such a terrific supporter of writers. It’s great to see that she has a new book. Congratulations, Lorie.

    1. Thanks Grace and thanks Kaye for having me here today!

  3. For anyone who doesn't know that was me up there as Kings River Life :)
    Thanks again!

  4. Welcome and congratulations! I'd love a buy link - when I search, it comes up on Amazon in Spanish.

    1. Thanks! How odd it isn't out in Spanish lol. If you search for Lorie Lewis Ham it should come up. Up above a little before my bio are buy links for Amazon, Nook, and Kobo. But here is Amazon

    2. Edith, the link in her bio,, sends you to a bunch of buy links. Thanks for asking!

    3. HA, we both got here at the same time.

  5. Lorie - I am so used to you as the face of KRL I am sorry to say I didn't realize you were a writer. Congrats on the release. I love stories set close to home and can't wait to read it.

    1. Thanks! Well this is the first book I have released in 11 years so it's been a long time. I hope you enjoy it!

  6. Lorie, I'm so excited to learn about your new book--the premise sounds so intriguing! Message me if you'd like to guest blog.

  7. I'm so happy you have a new book, Lorie - I can't wait to read it. Congratulations! And I love the concept of the Rogue Festival as well as the Tower District. A must visit and a must read!

  8. Fresno..The border between Norcal and Socal!


  9. She has captured the Tower District completely. I've read the book and loved it.

  10. Hi Lorie, even though I know you at KRL (great ezine!) it's delightful to hear about your newest book. Although I live in Sacramento now, with is own "Tower district," as a kid I lived in Fresno. Then as an adult, I ran a large non-profit agency in Fresno and spent time in the Tower District. I love it as well and your book looks amazing!

    1. Thanks! How fun I didn't know that about you either.

  11. Congrats, Lorie, on the new book — the setting sounds fab! I’ve been to San Francisco many times, but never to Fresno. I look forward to making a literary visit with you as my guide!

    1. Thanks for coming by! I hope you enjoy the book!

  12. You bring such great exposure to other authors, Lorie. I'm so glad you found time with all that work to pen another novel.
