Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Traveling on a New Road

morguefile photo from coachlaura
  I’m going down a completely new road this year! I have a new agent, Dawn Dowdle of Blue Ridge Literary Agency, LLC. I decided to try to pursue cozies plus other avenues that may not be so cozy, so wanted a change of direction, to have someone to handle my other writing as well as the cozies.

I’m excited about the change. The first project we’re doing together is humorous, Texan, and a little bit like my Imogene Duckworthy series. I hope we find a publisher so you can read it soon.

Meanwhile, HAPPY 2019, and may it bring you everything you hope for, plus a little more.


  1. Best wishes with your new approach and a a great new year all around!

    1. Thanks, Reine! Happy New Year to you with good hopes for your year ahead.

  2. Congratulations on your change of direction and your new agent. Can't wait to read the new books that follow. Although, as I may have mentioned before, I DO hope Immy will make another appearance soon. Very soon.

    1. Yes, you may have mentioned that. I hope to squeeze that in during 2019. Thanks!!
