Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Interviews All Over the Place


For some reason, I’m doing a lot of interviews in the last few weeks. If you have a burning desire to read my thoughts, mostly on writing, here are some places to quench that conflagration.



(I should also mention that my blog posts lately have been about writing only in the most tangential sense. The pandemic has figured prominently. I guess that’s understandable.


Quenching. Whew!

So, the interviews. One just appearing yesterday from a place I hadn’t heard about before, NFReads. The contact, Tony Eames, is very good to work with. He had some terrific questions for me to pick from. He said I could add my own, but his were good!



The one before that one was with Lois Winston’s Anastasia Pollack—a cute concept. Her character runs the blog behind her back. My character, Tally Holt, did the exchange with her, natch.


At the end of March, Leah Bailey at Cozy Ink did this podcast, which turned out to be run, even though I was nervous.


Just before that, Tiffany, the Beach Bum Book Worm, aka beachbumbookworm had a long video chat with me. I was nervous for that, too, but quickly relaxed since she is such a warm, bubbly person.


All of my recent publicity can be found on my Press Kit page, Press Kit, doesn’t that sound impressive? I thought so.



Thanks for coming by!


Images from, as usual






1 comment:

  1. Many thanks to all who interviewed me: Tony Eames, Leah Bailey, Tiffany Gullion Krieg, and Lois Winston!
