Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Queen's Birthday

My computer isn't connected today because of our move. I hope like the dickens it's connected tomorrow! Or as soon thereafter as possible. But because I'm absent, I've pre-posted this bit on the Queen's birthday. I may not be having a good time (moving is not all that fun to me), but that's not reason for other people not to party!

I've been watching the Diamond Jubilee hoopla, fascinated by the affection the British have for their monarch. Since she's not really a political ruler, I suppose they're free to like her regardless of political persuasion.

Today is her official birthday, never mind that Elizabeth II was born on April 21st, 1926. The Queen's (or King's when there's a king) birthday was set at June 13th in 1748. It's taken as a holiday, even when it's not the Jubilee. They must not have been a superstitious lot, to set it on the 13th. But, this is only her birthday in Great Britain.

In Australia, her birthday is the second Monday in June. That wasn't declared the official day there until 1788. That's also when winter begins there. Western Australia, though, celebrates either the last Monday of September or the first Monday of October. Queensland just went ahead and declared two birthdays for 2012, the June one and October.

Canada uses the 25th of May. Queen Elizabeth II was there for it in 2005.

New Zealand uses the first Monday in June, so it's conceivable that the Queen could make ALL her birthdays. That's a lot of cake! And parades and speeches and stuff. I wonder if she gets presents from a lot of her subjects.

Young QEII public domain

Recent Queen Elizabeth II's picture
By NASA/Bill Ingalls [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons


  1. Happy Birthday, Your Majesty. May you enjoy every one of them.

  2. Thanks for coming by, LD! I just got connected about a half hour ago. It's good to be back online. However, the next week or so will consist mostly of unpacking boxes. Ugh!

  3. This was such a fun read! Thanks for sharing, Kaye!

  4. You're welcome, Jenny. Even though she's not our queen, I think we're all still fascinated by her.
