Friday, June 8, 2012

Book Review: Thick as Thieves” by Peter Spiegelman

This review was written for "Suspense Magazine" last fall.

Carr, the leader of a gang of thieves, blames himself for the botched job that got his mentor killed. His abettors keep assuring him that nobody thinks it was his fault but aspects of the robbery keep preying on his mind. However, the four men and Valerie carry on. Their policy is to steal only from lowlifes, drug runners, gunrunners, whore runners, human smugglers, and kidnappers—the worst of the rich people.
Flashbacks show us the mentor, Declan, and expose Carr's insecurities, taking over after such an accomplished leader. Meanwhile, the thieves start an elaborate plan in action. This is to be their last job, and will net them enough to retire. Bits of the plan are exposed at a time as the reader figures out what the real aim is to be.
But Carr suspects his crew might not be wholly behind him. Is there a double-cross in the future? Can he count on honor among thieves? The story skips around to some exotic spots on the globe as the plot unfolds and we see into the lives of these interesting characters. A fun read!

Reviewed by Kaye George, Author of “Choke” for Suspense Magazine

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