Monday, April 25, 2011

CHOKE has arrived!

My free author copies arrived, so I looked online and there it was!

It is awesome to hold a book that is full of my words. I can't get over it. I'll come down eventually, but meanwhile this is a powerful, wonderful high.

If one were to want a copy, one could visit either BN or Amazon. Last time I looked, BN had a better price, but I know they fluctuate often. It should be available at Mainly Murder Press on May 1st also.

PS. This is a collector's copy until the typo on the back cover is corrected. Someone spelled Saltlick wrong. This is copy I did not proof, in my defense.


  1. Yea! Kaye! Gotta get Saltlick right. Can't have the setting mis-spelled.

  2. Kate George very kindly included the correct spelling in her review, so that should help!

  3. One got her collector's copy last week, plus a copy of the author's Patchwork Stories. One is delighted to have them and will, of course, request the author's autograph.
