Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ho Ho Ho!

I love Christmas as much as the next guy (or gal, if you weren't raised in the upper Midwest and call both genders by the term "guy"), but doesn't it just overwhelm me every year? You'd think I'd learn.

I belong to a goal-setting group and we set writing goals every week, post them, and report on last week's goals. I'm usually pretty good about being realistic. I set light goals when I know something big and non-writing related is coming up. Did I not know it's December? Did I not know Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat? Please to put some hours in poor Kaye's cap!

I carefully mapped out the month: a week devoted to short stories (and I have one I'd like to turn in to an anthology by January 6th, another to a contest by December 31st), a week to starting edits on the manuscript that I completed a rough draft of last month, a week to examining and querying one project, and a week for Christmas.

Wrong! A MONTH for Christmas. No short story action, no editing, no nothin'. But hey, I'm blogging!

Does anyone get writing done in December? How???

(picture is in the public domain)

1 comment:

  1. Happy Holidays, Kaye.
    A fellow Guppy critiqued my manuscript and suggested I tighten up one plot line. I managed to isolate that portion of the story for editing between shopping for presents and addressing envelopes for greeting cards. But no writing!
