I think that, if I do it right, it works. If I do it wrong,
it sounds dumb!
Here’s Safire’s “rule”:
If you reread your
work, you can find on rereading a great deal of repetition can be by rereading
and editing.
I do think that certain main points of a story bear
repeating, maybe by different individuals and in different ways. And when a
character comes onto the page after a 50-page absence, I need to remind the
reader who this is. I try to do this by bringing up a trait that I hope I made
memorable the first time he popped up.

I eventually got used to nipping certain favorites in the
bud: really, very, just, stuff like that. But repeats still cropped up. As soon
as I eliminated an offender, a new one would take its place. I learned to put
my work through wordcounter.com (about 35K words at a time) to catch ones that
I’ve begun to repeat, that I’m not aware of yet. I’ve accepted that I’ll always
have this problem, but—AHA—I do have a cure!
photos from
I recently submitted the first 5,000 words of a novel to an editor and, upon its return, discovered I'd used the word "looked" 6,000 times. Fortunately, it wasn't a formal submission-to-see-if-the-editor-would-publish-it, and she liked the piece as a whole and was nice enough not to say, "Boy, are you a sloppy self-editor." But I have a lot of rewriting to do.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tip about wordcounter.com!
ReplyDeleteThe bane of every writer!