There’s something wrong with me. I love snow. (I AM ducking
We’re not Boston, but it’s been bad here, too. Living in
Knoxville, a typical snow is 1 to 1 1/2 inches, which stops the town for a day
or two. Two weeks ago we had sleet for two days (about 2 inches), then snow on
top of that, about 5 inches. Another snow a week later. Branches and power
lines were down, especially to the area west of here where the elevation is
higher. Schools and businesses here closed for two weeks. On the plateau (that
higher area), they may still be closed. As of last night, some people were
still in shelters. They hadn’t been able to live in their homes for over two
I know all of that. It’s treacherous, killing stuff. The
death toll in TN was 30. Most of our problem, though, was the underlying ice
and the unusually cold temperatures, so that the ice never melted.
The only time I’ve had enough snow is when we lived in
Montana and Minnesota and it was still snowing in April.
Right now, if snow started falling, I would get an
unreasonable, irrational feeling of elation. Is it because I’m part
Scandinavian? I’m not sure. I wonder if this happens to anyone else.