Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Link to my radio interview, a signing, and a class this month

Here's the link again to Hopeton Hay's blog. Hopeton is the host of KAZI-FM book reviews and brings in some big names! Check out his other interviews. My own interview is here.

I'm excited about my Barnes & Noble signing Saturday, August 6th. I've checked and the books are there (a touch of OCD, don't ya know?). If you're anywhere near Austin, TX, drop into the La Frontera store between 2 pm and 4 pm and say howdy.

I'm giving a class on short story writing for the Savvy Authors' Summer Symposium August 24-28. It's a mini-workshop with some exercises designed to put novel writers more at ease when they go short. You can sign up for the Symposium on the main site, then click on the individual classes you'd like to take. Mine is called When Shorter is Better. If you're a novelist who fears short stories, give it a try. You might like it!


  1. Alright, Kaye. Great events that you've lined up, especially the B&N signing. Keep on truckin'.

  2. Thanks, Ricky! I'm out there slugging anyway. :) Congrats on your latest book deal and best wishes for lots of success!
