Wednesday, March 23, 2022

We CAN Do Something

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I’m sure you are all watching, as horrified as I am, as the Russian Bear attempts to annihilate Ukraine, out of frustration from not being able to subdue them. There are a few charities I’ve found that seem legitimate, and some that really don’t.


But I have TWO opportunities to participate in something helpful. The FIRST that I’ll mention is the Untreed Reads donation. Here’s a copy of the March 9th tweet:

 Untreed Reads


·Mar 9

Purchase any paperback or hardcover from our website and we'll donate $2 to the World Central Kitchen, providing meals to #Ukraine️ refugees. Enter code UKRAINE at checkout.



My People of the Wind books are published here, DEATH IN THE TIME OF ICE and DEATH ON THE TREK. I put a promo photo together to move the first book, and it’s also to celebrate the NEW CONTRACT for the third in this series, DEATH IN THE NEW LAND. (The contract also includes publication of a new short story collection.) I’m thrilled about both of these. Here’s the photo I posted that got an astonishing amount of attention. Astonishing to me, anyway.



I’m equally excited about the SECOND opportunity to do something for this nation. A lot of authors are participating in and auction, called Authors for Ukraine. The bidding will start on 3/29, but you can get a peek at what’s on the block now at:

If you want a peek at my block (my Vintage Sweets series, authographed)                    :

One of the authors, the awesome Gabriel Valjean put this together for the event. 



***There’s one other thing that one Ukrainian swears is helping. A Facebook friend and fellow writer, Anthony Burton, posted this yesterday:


For all the Reiki practitioners or those who have an interest in Reiki... this comes from William Lee Rand, founder of the International Center for Reiki Training.


Please continue to pray for the situation in Ukraine and send Reiki. The latest information indicates that it is working! Also, please read the message sent from the Ukrainian soldiers below that was translated from Ukrainian to English:


The Warriors in Ukraine are witnessing the following:


“We are feeling all your prayers and support for us. Sometimes something really mysterious happens, as if someone's invisible hand is actually taking the bullets and shells away from us, and then making them fly past us. We emerge victorious from very difficult situations as if someone is accompanying us. It seems like we become invisible to the enemy, while it appears we gain the ability to see in the dark. At the same time, we seem to know what to do and how to do it. This inspires and gives us strength. We believe that the Lord Jesus Himself is with Ukraine. Please do not stop the prayers. Continue to support us and keep on praying. We are in great need of all of you, and your prayers and support.”


Maybe this is the most important thing we can do.