Malice was the MOST fun. Congrats to Hank Phillippi Ryan, who won the Agatha teapot for Best Short Story! I was happy to let her give the speech. I would've been tongue-tied.

Thursday night, Krista Davis invited me to dine with some Berkeley authors, so the conference started off right!

My panel, the one with the short story nominees was Friday morning and I was glad to get that out of the way to enjoy the rest of the conference.
You can barely see Harriet Sackler, who stepped in to moderate at the last minute when Ruth McCarty was ill. Sitting are Barb Goffman, me with the silly grin (couldn't seem to get rid of it all weekend), and Hank. Standing are Dana Cameron and Elizabeth Zelvin.
I had 5 or 6 people ask me to sign things at my signing afterward!

The annual Guppy lunch was a rousing success. I think there were about 32 or 33 Guppies attending this year.
Here are two more pix, rubbing shoulders with some great writers:

Friday night I dined with Teresa, her friend Maria, me, Marcia Talley (!!!), Shelley, Marilyn (my roomie) and Lisa. All Guppies but Maria and Marcia.

Here's a last picture of a group of us before the banquet: Teresa, Grace, me, Marilyn, Shelley, and Lisa.

I got pictures from so many people, I've lost track of who took them all. But I think Sandy Parshall took the one of Hank and I know Heather Webber took the Thursday night dinner. Teresa Inge is responsible for at least some, I know.